

TAG TEAM Marketing International, Inc. is the Black-owned and operated company that produces Garvey Nation. TAG TEAM Marketing specializes in marketing and distributing products and services of Black-owned businesses to Black consumers.


T.A.G. T.E.A.M. stands for The Afrikan Group - Together Everyone Achieves More. Our name sums up our philosophy. We are a team of Black people dedicated to working together towards the uniting, upliftment and empowerment of our race. We spell Afrikan with a 'k' (as do many Black organizations) to symbolize the coming back together of Black people worldwide. The word 'Marketing' at the end of our name signifies our primary method to achieve our goal. Using marketing methods, we get Black people to see the value in our own race, as well as in the products and services of our race. This marketing reverses the effects of centuries of enslavement, colonialism and racism, and helps restore our people to our traditional greatness.


We produce Garvey Nation as well as the Buy Black Movement program which powers it. We warehouse products from Black-owned businesses all over the world. Next, our specially-trained marketing team promotes the products to Black consumers who place orders. Lastly, our staff packs the orders and ships them to Black consumers worldwide. The revenue from these orders feeds income to Black businesses, feeds salaries, commissions and rewards to Citizens, and funds Garvey Nation's programs.

TAG TEAM Marketing Editing Suite


We produce and deliver in-house at TAG TEAM Marketing. Our all-Black team plans, designs, codes, tests and publishes this extensive website. Our team does our own photography, photo editing, filming and video editing as well. Furthermore, our team does all the graphic design for our own website banners, printed banners, flyers, posters, labels, booklets, and more.

Producing with machines


We produce our own printed materials at TAG TEAM Marketing, including our posters, booklets, flyers, wall banners and more. We also assist several of our Suppliers by handling some of their production. For instance, we print posters to order, so Suppliers only need to provide us with an electronic design. When orders come in, our team prints, dries, cuts, packages and ships the poster to the customer.

TAG TEAM Marketing Warehouse


We warehouse products made by Black-owned businesses who join our Supplier Program. We carefully count and catalog each product and store them on our shelves. Then, we market, sell and ship their products to Black consumers all over the world. Each month, Suppliers ship us inventory to replenish what we've sold the previous month.

Team On Phones In TAG TEAM Production Center


We promote and sell the products of Black-owned businesses to Black consumers. Black people all over the United States join our popular, home-based business opportunity called the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity. TAG TEAM Marketers spread the word about our Black-made products and services using word-of-mouth, emails, text messages, social media and the like. The ever-growing team has produced over 261,000 sales for Black businesses, so far.

Debbie Speaking to audience at TAG TEAM Marketing event


We deliver powerful live events in various cities around the world that uplift and empower the Black community. We deliver educational events that teach Black history, business events that teach Black business skills, presentations about our various programs, and cultural events that celebrate and reinforce Afrikan culture and traditions. Most of our live events are also broadcast live on our website and made available to be replayed later on-demand, so viewers all over the world can attend.

Sales at a TAG TEAM Marketing Event


We sell the products and services of Black-owned businesses (Suppliers) to Black consumers all over the world via our various sales channels. Our most popular sales channel is our ONLINE STORE, available 24 hours per day. We also accept phone, fax, email and postal mail orders. We also sell the products and services of our Suppliers to Black consumers who attend our live events that we host in various cities around the world.

TAG TEAM Marketing Shipping


We ship orders to Black consumers in countries all over the world. As orders come in, our staff picks the products off of our shelves, carefully packs them in shipping boxes and ships them to our customers. This ensures the lowest shipping costs possible, since multiple products from Black businesses around the world can be shipped together in one box. This also ensures the highest quality possible, since our well-trained shipping team inspects each product before neatly packing each box.

TAG TEAM Marketing Customer Service


We handle the customer service for our customers around the world. Our staff handles all customer information requests, shipping issues, returns, exchanges, feedback, technical support, and other related issues, via web, email and phone. We work hard to make sure that every single customer has a positive experience with our company as well as with the products and services of the various Black-owned businesses that we represent.


Marcus Garvey

Inspired By Garvey

Marcus Garvey united millions of Black people all over the world in the early 1900s. He got Black people working together, building businesses together, buying from each other and profiting together as a race. He had a powerful vision of a highly-productive and self-reliant Black race. He showed us that we can succeed as a people if we unite and work together towards a common goal, as stated in the motto of his organization; "One God! One Aim! One Destiny!"

Marcus Garvey's powerful spirit, incredible accomplishments and tremendous vision inspired the founders of TAG TEAM Marketing to create Garvey Nation.

Learn more about Marcus Garvey

Marcus Garvey's Red, Black & Green (RBG) Flag

Finishing The Job

We share Marcus Garvey's vision of a self-reliant, financially independent Black race.

We believe that God intends more for us as Black people than for the majority of us to rely on other races for employment and all our necessities, for the rest of our lives. We believe that we can, should and must work together to provide these things for ourselves, like other races have done, in order to reach our full potential. We, as a people, are capable, willing and able to achieve this.

So, we are committed to creating our own businesses, products, services, jobs, industries and trillion dollar economy, and doing our part to finish the job Marcus Garvey started.


Global Black Distribution

Our Goal

TAG TEAM Marketing is working to create Global Black Distribution, where millions of products made by Black people all over the world are warehoused in our distribution centers all over the globe. Then, when orders come in, they will be shipped from the nearest distribution center.

When fully achieved, Black people anywhere on the planet will be able to buy from Black businesses anywhere in the world, and receive their orders the same day. This will make it possible for millions of Black businesses to reach billions of Black consumers globally and our race will prosper like never before.

TAG TEAM Marketers staring off into the future

Our Vision

We See A Day...

...where prosperous Black businesses are commonplace...

...where Black millionaires emerge from the business world regularly...

...where millions of Black products are distributed internationally...

...where love, pride, unity and wealth runs through the Black community, like water through a stream.

Generating Wealth In The Black Community

TAG TEAM Marketing is generating wealth for Black people all over the world. Our Black-owned businesses (Suppliers) get paid for making the products. Our sellers (Marketers) get paid for selling the products. Our monthly consumers (Citizens) get issued rewards dollars for buying the products. TAG TEAM Marketing has issued tens of thousands of paychecks so far, providing much needed income to Black families all over the world. We're making a difference!

TAG TEAM Marketers with Black Fist raised


Our vision is clear, beautiful, and won't be denied. We're going to sell and distribute millions of Black-made products and services, create ethical Black companies, affluent Black communities and countless new Black millionaires. We will create a new standard of living for our people. We are going to change the world!

Marcus Garvey
"Let this be your unswerving purpose, let this be your whole-hearted determination, and let nothing between heaven and hell divert you from the course."
Marcus Garvey
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