
A Rich and Prosperous History

TAG TEAM Marketing began as a distributor team in a network marketing company in 1994 and broke records in the marketing industry, before becoming its own independent company in 2004. TAG TEAM Marketing launched its amazing Black Business Network in 2007 and united Black businesses, followed by the powerful Buy Black Movement in 2015 which united Black consumers. Then, TAG TEAM Marketing launched Garvey Nation in 2024, which is currently changing the lives of Black people all over the world. Below is a year by year breakdown of the exciting history of TAG TEAM Marketing:


In August 1993, Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano were a young Black couple struggling financially in Atlanta, Georgia. A friend introduced them to a very successful man who invited them to join his network marketing business opportunity. They joined his local "Atlanta Group" and started attending his training meetings and presentations several nights per week. They became committed students and learned all they could from him. Delxino and Deborah were two of only a few Blacks participating in the predominantly white business opportunity.

The early members of the Atlanta Group had a hard time selling the products and getting other people involved in the business opportunity. They brought many of their Black friends to watch the white man deliver presentations about the business opportunity. Though it sounded great, most of their friends could not relate to him and therefore didn't join. As time passed, most of the early team members quit the business opportunity. A few of them, however, were committed and kept on working...


Delxino writing at desk Delxino, Deborah and their team continued to work hard through the year. In August, after a year of hard work and some small success, Delxino and Deborah realized that they would have to create an environment which catered to Black people, if Blacks were going to truly succeed in the business opportunity. They realized that Black people have a different culture, background and way of communicating than the way they were trained.

They realized that they needed their own identity and a new marketing strategy. Since Black people worked better together as a team, they needed a TEAM marketing strategy. In August of 1994, the couple founded TAG TEAM Marketing. TAG TEAM stood for "The Atlanta Group - Together  Everyone  Achieves  More."

TAG TEAM Marketing LogoDelxino and Deborah had a big vision for their organization. They loved their people and intended to make the team successful at all costs. With a hard-core work-ethic, a fun, Black family atmosphere and a high-energy training system, the team of Brothers and Sisters went to work. TAG TEAM Marketing added their ethnic flavor to all aspects of the business opportunity and soon were on their way to building a large, successful team. They began a mission to create prosperity, love, unity and 1,000 Black millionaires. The word spread all over the Southern U.S. that "Brothers and Sisters are working together in Atlanta, making lots of money and making history!"

By the end of 1994, TAG TEAM Marketing had grown from less than 40 people to well over 5,000 members. Delxino became the #1 producer in the network marketing company at age 25, and received the distinguished Person of the Year award for the year of 1994. TAG TEAM Marketing was the #1 producing team in the world for the entire year.


By 1995, the word about TAG TEAM Marketing was spreading from the Southern U.S. to other parts of the country. New TAG TEAM leaders began developing and undertaking the mission, and spreading the vision of TAG TEAM Marketing. TAG TEAM Marketing spread to the East Coast of the U.S., where major expansions took place. Many TAG TEAM members became wealthy in both the Southern and the Eastern U.S.

By the end of 1995, TAG TEAM Marketing had firmly established itself as a formidable entity in the network marketing industry, and grew to over 40,000 members. TAG TEAM members received the majority of the top production awards for the year. Delxino Wilson de Briano received the #1 Overall Producer award for the year. TAG TEAM Marketing was again the #1 producing team in the entire company for the year.


In 1996, the growth and development continued as Brothers and Sisters in different U.S. states joined TAG TEAM Marketing. Major expansions began in cities all over the U.S. New leaders spread the vision of TAG TEAM Marketing from the East Coast to the West Coast.

Delxino and Deborah personally led an expansion in the state of California and refined and developed their TAG TEAM Training System considerably during this period, in order to handle the growing demand for solid TAG TEAM leadership, training and support.

By the end of 1996, TAG TEAM Marketing was generating $9.5 million dollars per month in billing and had grown to almost 90,000 members. At the end of the year, almost every national award went to TAG TEAM Marketing members, including 9 out of 10 of the Top Money Earners for the Year. Delxino was awarded the #1 Producer award for the third straight year and given the top profit-sharing check in the company.

Delxino Speaking At 1996 TAG TEAM Event
March, 1996
Hear young Delxino Wilson de Briano at age 26, speaking to a room full of TAG TEAM Marketing Leaders in 1996 at TAG TEAM's "EFT Ball". This event was held in Atlanta, Georgia for members who had earned the first leadership position of "EFT" (Executive Field Trainer), the equivalent of today's Team Leader in the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity.

Become a part of the team. Join the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity TODAY!


1997 was a year of great achievement for TAG TEAM Marketing. Membership continued to grow and expand, and so did the reach of the team. The business opportunity expanded to Canada, and new Canadian members joined TAG TEAM.

Delxino and Debbie decided to take a very direct role in the leadership and training of the now huge international team. They sponsored three TAG TEAM Marketing National Conventions for TAG TEAM members during this year. The first was held in February, 1997 in Atlanta, Georgia. The second was held in July, 1997 in Secaucus, New Jersey. The admission requirements for the New Jersey convention were simple: you had to sign up at least 25 recurring customers to get in, or 50 to get preferred seating. Thousands of TAG TEAM members got qualified to attend this event, creating one of the biggest sales surges in the history of TAG TEAM Marketing.

TAG TEAM Marketing produced several videos this year, including the classic "Atlanta Promo Video" and the all-time classic "Follow Me."

Then, in October of 1997, TAG TEAM held its third convention for the year. It was a historical national convention in Atlanta, Georgia that brought thousands to experience TAG TEAM Marketing. Top TAG TEAM leaders trained everyone on TAG TEAM business skills. Rap artists KRS-One and Doug E. Fresh held a private concert for everyone who attended the convention. A documentary video of the weekend was produced and released as TAG TEAM Marketing's classic "Video Newsletter Volume 1."

Production continued to soar. TAG TEAM Marketing ended the year as the #1 producing team for the fourth year in a row. Delxino was awarded the top production awards for the year, as well as the top profit sharing check in the company... over $102,000.00.

TAG TEAM 'Follow Me' Promo
July, 1997

TAG TEAM Marketing is the Black-owned company that produces Garvey Nation. The members of TAG TEAM Marketing's business opportunity are called "TAG TEAM Marketers".

This classic video shows TAG TEAM Marketing of the 1990s in all of its splendor. Watch TAG TEAM Marketers doing business, training, bonding, and having fun. This video will inspire you!

Find out about today's TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity and how you can become a part of the team. Then, join and follow TAG TEAM Marketing on the road to success, to a land where you have never... been... before.

Debbie "Crumbs" Speech - July 20, 1997
July, 1997
Hear TAG TEAM Marketing Vice President & Co-Founder Deborah Wilson de Briano deliver a historic message to thousands of TAG TEAM Marketers at the TAG TEAM Marketing Convention in Secaucus, New Jersey on July 20, 1997. Her message changed the lives of thousands of Black people that day and tens of thousands more since!

Become a part of the team. Join the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity TODAY!
Atlanta 1997 Convention Promo
August, 1997
This is the first convention promotional video ever made by TAG TEAM. This classic video promotes the then upcoming October 1997 TAG TEAM National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. See what life is like BEFORE finding TAG TEAM Marketing. Then, see the whole other world of TAG TEAM Marketing like you've never seen it before.
Black Achievement Video 1997
October, 1997

Watch this exciting video that celebrates Black Achievement. This video puts TAG TEAM Marketing into historic perspective by showing many of the strides Black people have made in history. This video will motivate you and make you proud, like none other!

Then, join the and get paid to build Garvey Nation!

Video Newsletter 1997 Volume 1
November, 1997
This 45 minute video follows TAG TEAM through its October 1997 TAG TEAM National Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. Experience the energy. Hear all of the speakers. Watch the first ever TAG Awards Show. Experience TAG TEAM of the 1990's in all of its splendor. This classic, timeless video will show you the heights that young, Black, fearless network marketers can reach. It will move you like nothing else you've ever seen.


In 1998, new leaders emerged and spread the vision of TAG TEAM Marketing. Members joined the team daily in the U.S., and members started building consistently in Canada. The team made a fantastic amount of sales.

TAG TEAM Marketing held two national conventions in 1998: one in San Diego, California, and one in Secaucus, New Jersey. Both of these events took the organization to a new level. Many city leaders graduated to national leadership. New TAG TEAM classic promotional videos were released as well. TAG TEAM's top producers were awarded with tickets to exclusive educational and motivational events.

TAG TEAM Marketing 1998 Spring Tour

In the summer of 1998, Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano went on an international tour of all the major TAG TEAM Marketing operations at the time, and they held training events in those cities for the members.

A tightly organized international structure was implemented in TAG TEAM Marketing. Members started working with other members from different parts of the U.S. & Canada on a daily basis. The result was incredible production and great incomes, victory and morale.

By the end of the year, TAG TEAM Marketing was again the #1 producing team in the network marketing company. TAG TEAM members earned many of the top awards. Delxino was awarded the largest profit-sharing and stock option check in the history of the company... a whopping $709,000.00.

San Diego 1998 Convention Promo
January, 1998
This classic TAG TEAM video promotes the then upcoming March 1998 TAG TEAM Convention in San Diego, California. This video follows the story of the 1997 Atlanta Convention Promo video, showing life AFTER finding TAG TEAM Marketing. See TAG TEAM California members party California style in this classic video.
Washington DC 1997-Q4 Team of the Quarter
March, 1998
TAG TEAM Washington DC (Team DC) won TAG TEAM's prestigious Team of the Quarter award for the 4th Quarter of 1997. As a result, the leaders of the team were awarded with their very own highlight video live on stage during TAG TEAM's March, 1998 San Diego National Convention. The classic video shows TAG TEAM Washington DC members in action at TAG TEAM national conventions and demonstrates the pride, unity and power of the team.
Inspiration 1998
March, 1998
This classic TAG TEAM video, released in 1998, shows the many faces and smiles of TAG TEAM Marketing. The video was made for members of TAG TEAM, in order to remind them that THEY are the biggest inspiration of the organization. The video includes incredible scenes of the Black unity filmed at TAG TEAM National conventions.
Secaucus NJ 1998 Convention Promo
May, 1998
This classic TAG TEAM video promoted the then upcoming July 1998 TAG TEAM Convention in Secaucus, New Jersey. Watch TAG TEAM members learning, training and enjoying TAG TEAM conventions. Watch the classic 'this or that' comparison of TAG TEAM vs. everyday life. An absolute classic!
California 1998-Q1 Team of the Quarter
July, 1998
TAG TEAM California won TAG TEAM's prestigious Team of the Quarter award for the 1st Quarter of 1998. As a result, the team was awarded with their own highlight video. This light-hearted, humorous video captures the fun essence of that magical California team that became number one in the world for their legendary sales production.This video features outtakes from the various TAG TEAM videos and performances California team members starred in.
TAG TEAM 'Let's Do It Again' Promo
November, 1998
This classic TAG TEAM video opens with stunning Black history visuals and goes onto show the awesome TAG TEAM network marketing organization of that time in action at the Secaucus 1998 TAG TEAM National Convention.


In 1999, TAG TEAM Marketing continued in its fine tradition of productivity and expansion. New members joined TAG TEAM Marketing all over the world. With the opening of the business opportunity in United Kingdom and other parts of Europe, TAG TEAM Marketing recruited and met its first African European members.

Love, unity, productivity and the vision of TAG TEAM continued to spread like wildfire. More and more Brothers and Sisters were introduced to its beauty and awesome power. TAG TEAM Marketing expanded its horizons, started conducting charitable projects and sponsored social events in different parts of the country.

Deborah Wilson de Briano started a Black women's organization called the "P.O.W.E.R. Circle" (Positive Outstanding Women Elevating to Riches). The organization was committed to helping Black women in TAG TEAM Marketing to achieve greatness in all areas of their lives. The organization helped the women in TAG TEAM to unify and begin dominating production in the team.

TAG TEAM hosted a series of major regional training events and crowned new top producers in the U.S. and Canada. New leaders emerged to lead city teams to success. The classic TAG TEAM video "Let's Do It Again" and audio tape "Countdown to Year 2000" were released this year as well. Towards the end of the year, the West Coast experienced a big boom in productivity, with lots of new members joining TAG TEAM Marketing, selling the products and services and setting out to make their dreams come true.

By the end of the year, TAG TEAM Marketing was again the #1 producing team in the company. Many TAG TEAM members took the top awards for the year. Delxino was awarded #1 Producer awards for every quarter of the year 1999.


In the year 2000, TAG TEAM made history with the launch of its website tagteammarketing.com. Before the website even launched, there were thousands of visitors to TAG TEAM's "Under Construction" webpage. When the website finally launched on January 5, 2000, it was greeted with rave reviews. TAG TEAM Marketing also introduced the TAG TEAM News website called the "Daily 411," which was a website for both current and past TAG TEAM Marketing news. Furthermore, TAG TEAM introduced the "Underground Forum," an Internet-based communications system for TAG TEAM members and Black people everywhere.

In the year 2000, the TAG TEAM Marketing website received approximately 400,000 hits per month. The unifying message of TAG TEAM Marketing reached over 20 countries through the Internet. Hundreds of email messages poured in  from people all over the world commending TAG TEAM Marketing for its efforts and expressing interest in its programs. The website was also featured on several other websites and was even shown in a television news broadcast. The new era of a TAG TEAM Marketing making itself known online had begun!

TAG TEAM Marketing also made an investment in the Black Internet, purchasing over 400 positive Black website domain names for future development.

Debbie training TAG TEAM members

TAG TEAM members held many events during this year. TAG TEAM Leaders delivered presentations and training events every weekend in cities around the United States. TAG TEAM Leaders worked with their members in various cities and produced incredible results all year-long.

TAG TEAM members posing at training event

Months later, the official TAG TEAM Store website (www.tagteamstore.com) was published, making TAG TEAM merchandise, accessories, videotapes and printed items available for ordering over the Internet.

By mid year, TAG TEAM Marketing published another website (TagTeamConvention.com) to promote it's upcoming international convention in Norfolk, Virginia. Members used the website to get details about the event and register online. Then, in August, TAG TEAM Marketing delivered the historic convention that included various seminars, leadership meetings, a talent competition, and two concerts by Big Daddy Kane and Doug E. Fresh.

TAG TEAM members continued to spread the vision of TAG TEAM Marketing aggressively, all over the world. Members continued to sell telecommunications services and generate impressive revenues. Many regional training events were held, delivering the now legendary TAG TEAM Marketing Training System.

Norfolk 2000 Convention Promo
July, 2000
This classic video promotes the then upcoming Norfolk 2000 TAG TEAM Convention. See each of the members of TAG TEAM's leadership team from the year 2000. Then preview all of the excitement, fun and activities and training that will be delivered at the then upcoming TAG TEAM convention. See world-famous rapper Doug E. Fresh promote the convention wearing a TAG TEAM T-shirt and hat.


2001 was a year of new direction for TAG TEAM. After 7 years in association with the network marketing company, TAG TEAM Marketing began a new direction with a core team of committed members.

TAG TEAM started hosting Black Business Seminars in order to take their knowledge of wealth and business building directly to the Black community. The same training material that was once restricted to top-producing TAG TEAM members only was being made available to the public for the first time. TAG TEAM members began selling tickets to the seminars and earning commissions from their sales.

Delxino Speaking To Audience At Howard University

TAG TEAM Marketing held a series of Black Business Seminars in Los Angeles, California, New York City, Washington, D.C. and College Park, Maryland. Each of the events were phenomenal successes. Delxino Wilson de Briano taught each of the seminars and passed on the techniques that made himself and Deborah millionaires by the time he was 26 years old. The first series of events, entitled "Black Business Basics," taught key skills necessary to start, maintain and improve a Black business. The second series of events, entitled "The Leader In You," taught how to successfully lead a team in business and in life. People traveled from all over the U.S. and Canada to learn the powerful information and experience TAG TEAM Marketing's training.

TAG TEAM Marketing began promoting Black businesses at the seminars. Business owners were able to spotlight their products and services, sell their their goods and receive support from the audiences that attended the seminars. Several business owners became so successful as a result that they traveled all over the U.S. to each seminar that TAG TEAM Marketing held.

2001 also saw the launch of BlackBusinessSeminar.com, the official Black Business Seminar website. The impressive website reached thousands of people all over the world and was instrumental in 70% of seminar sales. TAG TEAM also published its first Black Business Seminar full color newsletter which highlighted the success of the seminars.

In addition, the P.O.W.E.R. Circle, led by Deborah, published a vegetarian cookbook entitled "Wow! I Can't Believe This Is Vegetarian Food!"

It was an exciting year!

Black Business Seminar Promo 2001
October, 2001
This video promotes the then upcoming November 2001 Black Business Seminar Tour. TAG TEAM President Delxino Wilson de Briano personally speaks on this video, promoting the Black Business Seminars. See images and hear testimonials from the previous Black Business Seminar. Hear Delxino interviewed by celebrity radio host Steve Harvey.


In 2002, TAG TEAM Marketing took the Black Business Seminars to another level, holding multiple events all over the country. In March 2002, TAG TEAM hosted a very successful series of Black Business Seminars called "Taking your Dreams to the Next Level." The tour took TAG TEAM to Detroit, Michigan, for first time, as well as Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, D.C. In July-August 2002, TAG TEAM hosted the "Marketing Your Million Dollar Idea" tour that took TAG TEAM to Houston, Texas, for the first time, as well as Los Angeles, New York City and Washington, D.C. In November 2002, the seminar tour went back to Washington, D.C., and New York City. The Black Business Seminars were nothing short of spectacular and life-changing for those who attended.

Delxino On Stage Speaking To Audience

2002 also saw the release of TAG TEAM Marketing's new "V.I.P. Network" online community (which expanded on the original Underground Forum) as well as the "Producer's Playground" where TAG TEAM members could work their businesses online. These state-of-the-art information systems greatly enhanced TAG TEAM Marketing's productivity.

In this year, the U.S. Congress presented Delxino Wilson de Briano with two letters of special recognition for the work he was doing in the Black community.

In 2002, TAG TEAM Marketing touched the lives of thousands.


In 2003, teams of TAG TEAM members delivered hundreds of events around the United States. TAG TEAM Marketing also promoted Black Business Seminars all over the East Coast, including the state of Connecticut for the first time. The seminars were a big hit and changed the lives of countless Black people that attended.

Delxino speaking to audience at Black Business Seminar

In 2003, TAG TEAM Marketing also released his first-ever TAG TEAM audio training series, called "Leadership For Black People" by Delxino Wilson de Briano. The recordings teach Black people how to become leaders in business and in life. The audio series became an immediate best-seller internationally. Sets of the audio series were sold online and shipped worldwide, and also sold at Black Business Seminars around the United States.

In 2003, TAG TEAM Marketing also produced and released a powerful promotional video called Black Business Seminar Promotional Video "X". Copies were reproduced on VHS videotape and widely distributed nationwide. Thousands saw the new video which helped take the promotion of the Black Business Seminars to another level.

Several TAG TEAM Marketers rose through the ranks with their production and emerged as leaders in the organization. These leaders were invited to attend a private, week-long leadership training retreat with TAG TEAM Marketing Founders Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano in Southern California.

Team Leaders posing with cars at leadership retreat

TAG TEAM Marketing Website 2003TAG TEAM Marketing also released a new version of the TAG TEAM website in 2003 with a new and improved "TAG TEAM Network" online community (formerly called the "V.I.P. Network"). The community featured major enhancements including a member to member internal online mail system, sales reports and graphs, downline reports for members and more. Also, a special section was added to the website for Team Leaders, called the "Team Leaders Lab."

Between the popular website, live events, new audio series and the tireless work of TAG TEAM members around the United States, TAG TEAM Marketing's message of Black unity, productivity and prosperity reached thousands in 2003.

Black Business Seminar 'X' Promo
February, 2003
This video promotes TAG TEAM's powerful Black Business Seminars. Watch lots of seminar attendees give their feedback about the training they received from TAG TEAM President Delxino Wilson de Briano. Learn all about Delxino and what the Black Business Seminars deliver. Get ready because 'X is gonna give it to you'.


2004 was a year of expansion and change for TAG TEAM Marketing. TAG TEAM members promoted Black Business Seminars on the East Coast, Midwest and in Atlanta, Georgia, for the first time. Also, TAG TEAM hosted its first specialized Black Business Seminar for members of another network marketing company. All of the events were great successes.

Major enhancements were made to the TAG TEAM website, which received an entirely new look and lots of new functionality, including a video arcade, a new TAG TEAM Store, new functions for members and more. Thousands more joined the TAG TEAM Network and the message of TAG TEAM continued to spread.

Then, on TAG TEAM Marketing's 10th birthday (August 29, 1994 - August 29, 2004), Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano founded TAG TEAM Marketing International, Inc., a full-scale network marketing company complete with its own business opportunity and products and services for sale. The new company had a powerful new income structure, enhanced online training system and more. Delxino and Deborah also introduced TAG TEAM's new phone programs "TAG TEAM Wireless" and "TAG TEAM Long Distance." With hundreds of new subscribers signed up in 2004, TAG TEAM Wireless and TAG TEAM Long Distance both got off to an incredible start.

Team at Launch Event

TAG TEAM Marketing held an incredible 3-day company launch event on from August 27th to August 29th, 2004 in Atlanta, Georgia, which was attended by Black people from all over the United States. The powerful weekend of events officially launched the new company and began new direction of TAG TEAM Marketing.


On January 1st, 2005, Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano announced a new compensation plan, complete with 7 ways to earn income. With the addition of "Monthly Residual Bonuses," the new "TAG TEAM Compensation Plan" paid out more than any similar company in the network marketing industry.

On May 1st, TAG TEAM launched Voice Over I.P. (Internet Phone Calling Service) called "TAG TEAM iTalk." This new phone service revolutionized the way people used the telephone.

2005 was also a great year of establishing the new business opportunity. Numerous meetings were held, new distributors joined, products were sold, commissions were earned and success was achieved.

Delxino and Deborah also started implementing plans for a future project. For years, they had dreamed of creating a massive marketing project that would tie Black businesses together with Black consumers all over the world. They dreamed of marketing the products and services of Black-owned businesses through TAG TEAM Marketing. The time for that grand project was nearing. But there was much ground work that needed to be done. First, they needed to unify Black business owners.

In November 2005, TAG TEAM began hosting its legendary weekly Black Business Networking Events, where Black business people met to do business with other Black people. These events became an instant sensation. Also, Black Business Seminars were held all over the country. Lastly, TAG TEAM Marketing began construction on a new headquarters facility that would house the company.


TAG TEAM Marketing Atlanta Office Facility Grand Opening

Atlanta TAG TEAM Marketing CenterIn 2006, TAG TEAM opened the Atlanta TAG TEAM Marketing Center, a 14,000-square-foot facility that became the new headquarters for TAG TEAM Marketing's activities. The facility was equipped with specialized rooms and equipment that made ideal Black business training and production possible. Furthermore, events held there could be automatically broadcast live over the Internet. The state of the art facility featured a fully-featured presentation center (with built-in projectors, automatic screen, speakers, cameras, DJ booth, cameras) as well as executive offices, conference room, event waiting room, guest green room, kitchen, break room, course room, audio/video editing suite, shipping center and data center.

TAG TEAM Marketing Atlanta Office Facility Grand Opening

Hundreds of events were held at the new Atlanta, Georgia facility during its first year, including a series of Black Business Seminars that were attended by Black businesspeople from all over the world. By countless reports, each of these events were life-changing! Some of these events were broadcast live using TAG TEAM Marketing's groundbreaking live internet broadcast system, and seen all all over the world.

TAG TEAM Marketing also hosted weekly Black Business Networking Events in Atlanta, Georgia, which became a staple in the Atlanta Black community. Thousands of Black people attended the events. These networking events became the place where Black business owners could promote and sell their products to Black consumers each week. Hundreds of thousands of dollars in Black-on-Black commerce were generated at those events in 2006.

TAG TEAM Marketing Atlanta Office Facility Grand Opening

Ebony SecretTAG TEAM also began releasing the popular "Master Marketer Collection" CDs, which are a series of recorded educational and motivational lectures by top TAG TEAM Marketing leaders who have earned the top position called "Master Marketer".

TAG TEAM also found the first product that it would market for another Black-owned business. TAG TEAM members began selling Ebony Secret Miracle Skin Conditioner, which is an incredible product that has amazing results on Black skin. TAG TEAM members sold the product to Black consumers all over the world, moving over 1,000 bottles in the first month alone. 2006 sales of the exciting new product were enormous.

Black Business Network 2007 Pre-Launch Promo
February, 2006
Hear about the then upcoming 2007 launch of the Black Business Network program and website.


TAG TEAM Black Business Network LogoIn 2007, TAG TEAM Marketing took a major step towards its goal of marketing Black products for Black-owned businesses to Black consumers. TAG TEAM retired the TAG TEAM Network online community and TAG TEAM telecommunications services, and launched the new "Black Business Network" as its main program. The Black Business Network was an instant hit!

In 2007, TAG TEAM Marketing started pulling together Black business owners, training them, and promoting their businesses like never before. TAG TEAM held countless Black Business Networking Events, Black Business Seminars, international conference calls, TAG TEAM University classes, presentations, production events, shopping events, parties and celebrations, in various cities in the U.S. Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano also delivered several private Black Business Seminars to entire Black network marketing teams in different companies. 

Black Business Seminar - Texas

TAG TEAM Marketing also launched a website for the new Black Business Network program (BlackBusinessNetwork.com). The website offered many new, exciting features for Black business owners and Black consumers alike. The website received millions of hits from visitors all over the world. In a little over 9 months, over 6,000 Black people signed up and joined the Black Business Network, from 35 countries.

Black Business Network Website - June 1, 2007

Black Business NetworkBusiness members promoted their products and services online and sold them at the live events. Almost every professional member of the Black Business Network earned hundreds of dollars, some earned thousands of dollars and several earned tens of thousands of dollars as a result of their memberships. One member even earned half a million.

2007 was a very successful year that saw many Black-owned businesses achieving success and got TAG TEAM totally prepared to begin the massive marketing project they had been planning for years...


TAG TEAM MovementAfter years of preparation, it was finally time to begin what Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano had been planning for years. At the beginning of 2008, TAG TEAM Marketing launched a revolutionary project that put the Black community to work promoting, selling and buying the products offered by Black-owned businesses. This was accomplished with three powerful programs:

TAG TEAM Movement(1) Black business owners joined the Black Business Network and offered their products for sale in TAG TEAM's new "Buy Black Today" online and retail stores.

(2) Black people joined the new "TAG TEAM Business Opportunity," where they went to work getting Black people to purchase products from the Buy Black Today store.

(3) Black consumers purchased the products from the online store.

Together, these programs began creating great Black wealth.

For the first time, TAG TEAM Marketing distributors were able to sell the products and services of Black-owned businesses. Now, Black-owned businesses could have their own network marketing sales-force promote and sell their products and services for them, without having to build a sales-force on their own.


Black Business NetworkIn 2009, TAG TEAM Marketing made huge strides towards it goals.

TAG TEAM Marketing began broadcasting events live over the Internet regularly during that year and gained huge audiences all over the world. Several new, powerful videos were produced that year (including the "Amazing" promotional video) that touched the hearts of Black people all over the world. Several major Black-owned businesses joined the Black Business Network and began utilizing TAG TEAM Marketing to promote their businesses.

The Black Business Network program was enhanced. It became both a state-of-the-art online community and business-building tool. The new program and website officially launched on August 29th of that year and immediately attracted new members in the thousands.

By the end of the year, over 29,000 new members had joined the organization, from 90 countries around the world. Thousands of products from Black-owned businesses were sold by Black TAG TEAM distributors to Black consumers during 2009. TAG TEAM Marketing was on its way to becoming a major force in the distribution of Black products and services.

Amazing Black Business Network Promo
June, 2009
Hear about the Black Business Network project and future plans, and get a historical perspective on the message of buying Black.
Can You Help Build The Black Business Network?
September, 2009
Watch this 2009 presentation by TAG TEAM President Delxino and Vice President Deborah Wilson de Briano, asking you to help build the Black Business Network. Delxino explains what the Black Business Network is and exactly what you can do to help it grow.


In 2010, the Black Business Network firmly established itself in Black distribution. Thousands of Black-made products were sold by Black distributors for Black-owned businesses to Black consumers, bringing great wealth to the Black community.

That year, TAG TEAM Marketing distributed significant quantities of products and, for the first time, of Black-provided services as well. TAG TEAM developed several new programs to accommodate several service-based businesses and generated tens of thousands of dollars in sales for those companies.

TAG TEAM Black Business Network LogoTAG TEAM Marketing held events and speaking tours all over the U.S. promoting the Black Business Network. New members joined the movement in many new areas, bringing the community-changing work of TAG TEAM Marketing to new fronts. TAG TEAM Marketing broadcasted numerous events all over the world via the Internet, reaching countless Black people all over the world.

Delxino Receiving AwardDelxino Wilson de Briano spoke at several major Black conferences, delivering his powerful message of Black economic unity and promoting the Black Business Network to thousands of Black people. Delxino also received many major awards from Black organizations for his work in empowering the Black community.

Black Star Business OpportunityIn late November, TAG TEAM Marketing announced a major enhancement to compensation plan of the TAG TEAM Marketing Business Opportunity, making it the most profitable business opportunity available. The TAG TEAM Marketing Business Opportunity was officially named "Black Star," in honor of Marcus Garvey's great program, the "Black Star Line" of the early 1900s.

TAG TEAM Marketing began preparing for the major promotion of the new TAG TEAM Black Star Business Opportunity which would begin in January 2011. In preparation, the first Black Star promotional video was released in December 2010. The video featured several great speakers and leaders in the modern Black era, all echoing the sentiments of the Black Business Network.

TAG TEAM Recruiting Boot Camp Promo
September, 2010
Watch the exciting promotional video for the TAG TEAM Recruiting Bootcamp weekend seminar. Hear powerful success stories from others who have attended this powerful training event.
TAG TEAM 'Black Star' Promo
November, 2010
Watch this exciting promotional video about TAG TEAM Marketing's phenomenal Black Star Business Opportunity.


ChartIn 2011, TAG TEAM Marketing released version 5.0 of the Black Business Network website, which combined all of TAG TEAM's products, services and programs into one website. The new website featured a new, simpler design and made buying, selling and promoting the products and services of Black-owned businesses easier for all.

The membership of the Black Business Network expanded greatly, reaching over 39,000 members in 113 countries around the world. In 2011, Black Business Network members participated in hundreds of events, discussions, live presentations, online broadcasts and conference calls. Marketers in the Black Star Opportunity held presentations, meetings and events in many parts of the United States.

Mark Anthony Garrett Speaking To Audience

TAG TEAM Black Business Network Logo2011 also saw the introduction of the amazing nutritional product Motherland's Gold Moringa, which quickly broke sales records and became the fastest-selling product in TAG TEAM Marketing history. The product delivered outstanding health and wellness improvements to Black Business Network members who used it, which led to the amazing sales of the product.

Thousands purchased products and services from Black-owned businesses in the Black Business Network in 2011, which led to TAG TEAM Marketing achieving a ground-breaking milestone: 39,000 products and services sold, matching the 39,000 members of the network. That meant that on average, every single member of the Black Business Network who signed up (for free) purchased at least one product or service from a Black-owned business in the program. This 1-to-1 member-to-sales ratio has rarely (if ever) been achieved by an organization when offering free membership to the public, with membership in the tens of thousands. This achievement clearly showed that the TAG TEAM Marketing was reaching its goals, making buying Black a reality for tens of thousands of Black people, bringing much needed revenue to Black-owned businesses, and making a major impact in the Black community.


11/10/2012 TAG TEAM Recruiting Bootcamp StudentsIn 2012, TAG TEAM Marketing reached great milestones with the Black Business Network. Membership grew to over 43,000 members in 124 countries around the world.

Members participated in hundreds of conference calls, training events, seminars, networking events, presentations and the like that were attended and raved about by Black people from all over the world; TAG TEAM Marketing also hosted several powerful bootcamps, such as a recruiting bootcamp for network marketing distributors and bootcamps for aspiring speakers & authors. TAG TEAM Marketing also held a powerful Black Speaker Showcase competition that launched several Black speakers into the spotlight. TAG TEAM Marketing also held a groundbreaking annual convention at TAG TEAM Marketing headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia that brought together the leaders and key members of the Black Business Network. Lastly, major presentations were held in many cities including Los Angeles, San Diego, Fort Lauderdale, West Palm Beach, Chicago and Atlanta.

11/10/2012 TAG TEAM Recruiting Bootcamp Students

Motherland's Gold Moringa soared to new heights in the Black Business Network during in 2012, becoming the #1 selling product for the year. Countless customers reported miraculous health improvements using the product, which spurred record sales.

In all, 2012 was an extremely successful year where TAG TEAM Marketing reached new heights. The purpose of the Black Business Network was spread during 2012 like never before.


Black Business Supporter Program2013 was a year of massive progress towards the goals of TAG TEAM Marketing. In April, the company surpassed 50,000 product sales, a huge milestone in business, and an even bigger milestone for a Black company selling Black-made products and services to Black consumers. TAG TEAM Marketing was truly making a difference.

TAG TEAM Marketing hosted hundreds of Black Business Network events during this year including presentations, training bootcamps, networking events, conference calls, an annual convention and more, in various cities around the United States. TAG TEAM Marketing message of Black economic unity spread fast and thousands were impacted by this work.

Attendees of April 7, 2013 TAG TEAM Recruiting Bootcamp

In August, Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano announced and implemented major changes that made the Black Business Network much more powerful and effective: they retired all of the non-productive and non-essential programs from the Black Business Network and focused the entire movement's efforts on the core programs that were actually accomplishing the goal of the network (getting millions of Black people buying from Black-owned businesses, consistently). The Supplier, Marketer and Consumer programs received huge boosts and enhancements.

At the same time, TAG TEAM Marketing launched its powerful Supporter Program, which rewarded Black consumers for committing to purchase products from Black-owned businesses in the Black Business Network on a monthly basis. The program was an instant sensation and attracted committed Brothers and Sisters from all around the U.S. while sending the movement's sales through the roof.

TAG TEAM 'Triumph' Promo
April, 2013
Watch this exciting promotional video about TAG TEAM Marketing's phenomenal Black Star Business Opportunity.
2013 TAG TEAM Convention Promo
July, 2013
Watch this powerful, 3-minute promotional video for the 2013 TAG TEAM Marketing Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia.


2014 was an incredible year for TAG TEAM Marketing. The Black Business Network program grew and expanded in leaps and bounds. TAG TEAM Marketing members delivered hundred presentations, conference calls and events all over the United States. Thousands joined the network during this year

SuccessQuest Speaker's Bootcamp

In April 2014, Delxino Wilson de Briano delivered a groundbreaking presentation about the life and work of Marcus Garvey. The overwhelming response to this presentation led to the publication of a 4-DVD set about Marcus Garvey, followed by a speaking tour that spanned the U.S. and included cities like Atlanta, Georgia; New York City; Los Angeles, California; Champaign, Illinois; Detroit, Michigan; Fort Lauderdale, Florida; San Diego, California; and Little Rock, Arkansas. Audiences everywhere got to learn about the great Marcus Garvey, who inspired TAG TEAM Marketing and the Black Business Network. Since most of the events were broadcast live on the Black Business Network website, countless more watched these presentations around the world from the comfort of their own homes.

TAG TEAM Black Business Network Logo

At the August 2014 annual convention, the letters "TAG TEAM" were official changed to mean "The Afrikan Group - Together Everyone Achieves More." Afrika is spelled with a "k" by many Black organizations to symbolize the coming back together of Black Afrikan people worldwide.

The Black Business Network continued to grow and expand in all directions. Most importantly, the entire Marketer team prepared for what they knew would be a history-making year in 2015. The year 2014 closed at an all time-high in product sales of Black-made products, with the company's largest-grossing holiday season yet.

TAG TEAM 'Dream' Promotional Video
July, 2014

Hear TAG TEAM Marketing President Delxino Wilson de Briano talk about the importance of having big dreams. Get inspired by watching this video.

Then, join the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity at tagteammarketing.com


Buy Black Movement Begins Video ReplayIn January of 2015, TAG TEAM Marketing took a huge step towards its goals. It launched the historic "Buy Black Movement" as its main program, replacing the Black Business Network. The Black Business Network continued, but specifically as a program for Black business owners to supply products and services to the Buy Black Movement. The Buy Black Movement is an initiative to get Black people buying from Black-owned businesses in the Black Business Network, consistently.

The movement garnered immediate support from all over the world, getting Black people committing to becoming monthly purchasers of Black-made products.

Delxino and Deborah Wilson de Briano delivered live presentations related to the Buy Black Movement every weekend during the year and broadcast each event live for viewers all over the world to see. These included historic presentations like "The Trillion Dollar Game" and "Successful Movements in Black History". They delivered most of the presentations in Atlanta, Georgia, but they also traveled to other cities including Los Angeles, California; San Diego, California; New York City; Salisbury, Maryland; Tuskegee, Alabama; and more.

Group pose at TAG TEAM Convention

TAG TEAM Marketers heavily promoted the new program and sold many thousands of Black-made products. By the end of the year, the Buy Black Movement was firmly established as a powerful program addressing the current economic needs of the Black community.


2016 was a year of incredible production and growth. Practically every single statistic in TAG TEAM Marketing started going up at rates faster than ever before. Most significantly, more Black people joined and started purchasing products and services than ever before, leading to all-time high revenues for Black-owned businesses and Marketers involved in the movement.

Dorothy Cooper speaking on stage

One particular TAG TEAM Marketer, Dorothy Cooper of Los Angeles, California, broke all previous records for personal production by achieving Platinum status (1,000 points in sales or more) five months out of the year. Furthermore, she achieved Double Platinum twice in the year, becoming the first person in the history of TAG TEAM Marketing to do so.

TAG TEAM Marketing released its greatly improved Supporter Program (2.0) that year, which added status titles and rewards dollars for purchases, as well as rewards for the purchases of others one referred to the program. These enhancements were raved about by members everywhere.

TAG TEAM Marketing also officially transitioned away from the term "Black Business Network" referring to the entire movement and instead applied the term to refer to the Supplier program. The overall movement started being called the "Buy Black Movement." The new Buy Black Movement consisted of three main programs:

Buy Black Movement 3-Parts Diagram

(1) The Black Business Network - for business owners to supply products.

(2) TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity - for Marketers to sell the products.

(3) Supporter Program - for committed Black consumers to buy the products.

With this change, the purpose of the movement became much more self-explanatory. As a result, the Buy Black Movement expanded at an even higher rate.

In November, TAG TEAM Marketing launched BuyBlackMovement.com and officially retired BlackBusinessNetwork.com. The new website was visually stunning and full of enhancements and instantly became a hit as the proud online home for the Buy Black Movement and its programs.

Leadership Lessons from Delxino
June, 2016
Hear TAG TEAM Marketing President Delxino Wilson de Briano speak about Leadership.


2017 was a year of record-setting sales, growth and success. Suppliers provided first-rate products to be sold and delivered world-wide. Marketers promoted the Black-made products to Black consumers and made impressive sales. TAG TEAM Marketing mailed out countless commission checks to Marketers and Suppliers around the world. By the end of the year, the amount of commissions dollars paid had increased by a whopping 124% when compared to a year earlier (2016)!

Supporter Rewards CheckTAG TEAM Marketing also issued its first Supporter Rewards checks in 2017. Thousands of dollars in rewards cash was issued to Supporters around the world who had accumulated rewards dollars by buying products and services from the Buy Black Movement each month. Using their rewards dollars, Supporters purchased merchandise from Black-owned businesses for free. Supporters everywhere were thrilled by the exciting feature.

Furthermore, TAG TEAM Marketing held a historic Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia, that brought together the most committed members of the movement from around the world. The convention was phenomenal and set the stage for future expansion of the Buy Black Movement.

Group shot a 2017 TAG TEAM Marketing Convention

Buy Black Movement 2017 Convention Promo
June, 2017
This powerful, 6-minute promotional video promotes the then upcoming August, 2017 TAG TEAM Marketing Annual Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. This is the first convention promotional video that promotes the Buy Black Movement program. A classic!


2018 was a year of record-breaking production in TAG TEAM Marketing. Sales reached an all-time high. Black people bought more Black-made products than ever in 2018 as many thousands of Black-made products were sold and shipped to Black consumers worldwide. Members of the Buy Black Movement achieved stellar new income levels as well.

2018 TAG Awards

TAG TEAM Marketing held a powerful 3-day Marketer Training Camp in Atlanta, Georgia, where committed Marketers learned the skills necessary to build their businesses. This led to explosions of production by several of these members.

Several West Coast event tours were conducted where powerful TAG TEAM events were delivered in Oakland, Los Angeles and San Diego, California. Delxino Wilson de Briano delivered several highly-rated presentations that year that instantly became best-selling DVDs, including "Wealth of the Black Race" and "The Huge Potential of the Black Race."

2018 TAG Awards

Marketers on the West Coast produced so much that year that for the first time, TAG TEAM Marketing held its annual convention in Los Angeles, California. The convention was a huge hit, highlighted by the legendary 2018 TAG Awards event which saw top producers awarded for their incredible work throughout the year.

TAG TEAM 'Bring Dem' Promo
January, 2018

Watch this exciting, brief promotional video about the powerful TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity.

Then, find out about the and how you can become a part of the team that is getting paid to build Garvey Nation!


2019 started off with a bang, with the release of the TAG TEAM "Ready" promotional video on January 2nd. The video was an instant hit. Black people everywhere got fired up about the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity that is building the new movement of Black people that is changing the world!

Throughout the year, TAG TEAM Marketers all over the U.S. spread the word about the powerful business opportunity. Teams emerged in new cities around the country. New TAG TEAM Marketers emerged as top producers as well. TAG TEAM Marketing's annual convention was held in Los Angeles, California and was life-changing for all that attended.

In November, Delxino Wilson de Briano toured several of the existing and emerging cities, delivering presentations in Miami Florida, Orlando Florida, Riviera Beach Florida, Los Angeles California and New Orleans, Louisiana.

On November 25th, Billy Lee Felder of New York became the Buy Black Movement's first-ever Honored Afrikan by surpassing 10,000 points purchased as a Supporter, in only 3 years and 7 months. This historic achievement was major milestone for the Buy Black Movement.

At the very end of the year, the TAG TEAM Marketers promoted, sold and achieved another major Buy Black Movement milestone, surpassing 150,000 Black products sold.

2019 was a year of tremendous growth and achievement for TAG TEAM Marketing and Buy Black Movement program.

TAG TEAM 'Ready' Promo
January, 2019
Watch this exciting promotional video about the powerful TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity that is building the powerful Buy Black Movement.


COVID-192020 was a year of unexpected change. The COVID-19 virus took the world by storm and resulted in a complete lock-down of the United States and most of the world, for most of the year. Millions of Black people couldn't leave home or travel. This resulted in the cancellation of most of our live events, including our 2020 annual convention and a move to doing everything virtually. It also was a year of terrible injustice against Black people that led to massive demonstrations all over the United States.

Group pose a March, 2020 TAG TEAM Marketer Training Camp

Despite the obvious challenges that TAG TEAM Marketing and our members faced, there was a silver lining. More and more Black people moved to shopping online since they couldn't travel to stores. Also, the demand for natural health products increased greatly due to health concerns.

Furthermore, in 2020, there were frequent incidents of police brutality against Black people. The whole world watched a white policeman murder a Black man named George Floyd. It caused us great pain as a race. TAG TEAM Marketing Co-Founders Delxino & Deborah Wilson de Briano delivered a historic conference call about the George Floyd incident that touched, inspired and united thousands. As more Black people demanded social justice, the Buy Black Movement became an alternative to buying from white businesses. 

Increase Sales GraphTAG TEAM Marketers took advantage of the changes in society and promoted more than ever during 2020. As a result, the Buy Black Movement BOOMED and sales of Black-made products nearly DOUBLED in 2020!

Also, as massive layoffs took place across the United States due to the lock-down, more and more Black people looked for alternative ways to earn, which led to many joining the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity. New leaders emerged and TAG TEAM Marketing grew at an amazing rate in 2020.

Special Conference Call re George Floyd Unrest - June 2, 2020
June, 2020
Listen to this powerful message from TAG TEAM Marketing Co-Founders Delxino & Deborah Wilson de Briano, delivered to hundreds of Black people regarding the murder of George Floyd and the civil unrest that followed.


2021 was a year deeply affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Different U.S. states and countries around the world all had various degrees of restrictions on everyday life and travel. As a result, TAG TEAM Marketing held no in-person events the entire year. Instead, TAG TEAM Marketing delivered hundreds of virtual events (via conference call and video) to Buy Black Movement members all over the world.

Buy Black Movement members

Many new Brothers and Sisters joined the TAG TEAM Marketing Opportunity and helped to get more Black people buying products from the Buy Black Movement. TAG TEAM Marketers produced product sales in 2021 like never before. The number of Buy Black Movement Supporters reached an all-time high. By November, 2021, the TAG TEAM Marketing team was in record-breaking form.

Highest Sales EverIn November, TAG TEAM Marketers produced the largest single month of sales revenue in the history of the Buy Black Movement. This accomplishment was capped by SIX TAG TEAM Marketers achieving Platinum status (1,000 points worth of Black products sold in one month). One of those TAG TEAM Marketers (Dorothy Cooper) even achieved TRIPLE Platinum (3,000 points worth of Black products sold in one month)! It was truly a record-breaking month in TAG TEAM Marketing!

Then, on December 1, 2021, William Rent of Indianapolis, Indiana achieved in the Buy Black Movement, what only one before him had ever achieved... he achieved the position of Honored Afrikan in the Buy Black Movement Supporter Program (10,000 points worth of Black-made products purchased). He reached Honored Afrikan in only 5 years and 4 months by buying Black products for his family each month, consistently, without missing a month.

In all, 2021 was a record-breaking year for TAG TEAM Marketing and the Buy Black Movement program!


2022 was a great year of production and achievement for TAG TEAM Marketing, despite the challenges of the ongoing pandemic. TAG TEAM Marketers made tens of thousands of phone calls promoting the Buy Black Movement to Black consumers, resulting in thousands of product orders. TAG TEAM Marketer Leaders delivered hundreds of events online and via telephone including training events, production meetings and public presentations about the Buy Black Movement program.

TAG TEAM Marketers triangle formation

TAG TEAM Marketing also began delivering weekly "Supporter Calls" during this year. Each calls specifically promoted the Supporter Rewards Program and spotlighted several Supporters who shared their own success stories about the program and products. The calls became an instant hit.

TAG TEAM Marketing also began active testing of a new Buy Black Movement website slated to be released the following year in 2023. Top Producing TAG TEAM Marketers participated in the testing and refinement of the new website and it's many features.

Then, on December 20, 2023, Salimah Abdullah-King of Douglasville, Georgia became the third person and the first woman to achieve the position of Honored Afrikan in the Buy Black Movement Supporter Program (10,000 points worth of Black-made products purchased). She reached Honored Afrikan in only 6 years and 7 months by buying Black products for her family each month, consistently, without missing a month.

In all, 2022 was an incredible year for TAG TEAM Marketing and the Buy Black Movement program!

Delxino Wilson de Briano Interview on Black Knowledge Matters Show
March, 2022
Watch Delxino Wilson de Briano's amazing 2022 interview on the Black Knowledge Matter's Show.


2023 was a year of great production in TAG TEAM Marketing...

TAG TEAM Marketers at Marketer Training CampIn August of 2023, TAG TEAM Marketing held it's first in-person event since the COVID Pandemic shut down all events back in 2020. TAG TEAM Marketing delivered a phenomenal 3-day Marketer Training Camp in Los Angeles, California. TAG TEAM Marketers attended from all over the United States and their lives were changed.

It was during this weekend that TAG TEAM Marketing President Delxino Wilson de Briano delivered and broadcasted a presentation to the public that would change everything... the Pre-Launch of Garvey Nation. Until then, some had heard the phrase 'Garvey Nation' mentioned, but had no idea what it was all about. That event explained everything, and created excitement and anticipation like never before.

At the event, Delxino also launched the Founding Nation Builder game. Members who did a number of tasks, including bring 3 new Supporters to the Buy Black Movement between the launch event in August and the January Garvey Nation launch, would earn the permanent title of "Founding Nation Builder" of Garvey Nation and appear in our Hall of Fame. The game was on! The countdown to Garvey Nation had begun.

Garvey Nation Pre-Launch, Los Angeles, CaliforniaAfter the massively successful Pre-Launch in August, members all over the world worked the rest of the year to bring in as many new Supporters as possible, in preparation for the Buy Black Movement becoming Garvey Nation in January. Tons of new Supporters joined the Buy Black Movement as a result.


January 1, 2024 began the era of Garvey Nation, whose purpose is to build a self-contained Nation for the Black race, thereby finishing what Marcus Garvey started. On that day, the Buy Black Movement became the "economic engine under the hood" of Garvey Nation, and the building of Garvey Nation became the new focus of TAG TEAM Marketing and it's members. Members started working on Nation Building as their primary focus.

Garvey Nation Launch - January 1, 2024

The new website GarveyNation.com partially launched to the world on January 1st. Visitors could see the public pages, but could not log as of yet. People were blown away by the public pages of the website, including the "Introduction" that features photos, videos and music that explain Garvey Nation. People were also blown away by the new Marcus Garvey section that features a detailed history of his life and photos that people had never been seen before. The Marcus Garvey section also features a massive collection of his quotes, every surviving copy of the newspaper he published weekly a century ago, his speeches, and much more.

Shortly after the launch, TAG TEAM Marketing began "beta testing" where Citizens (formerly called Supporters) only were allowed to log into the new website and use the new tools while the website went through testing and further development. On March 20th, TAG TEAM Marketing released the exciting "Superstar" video, the first-ever promotional video about Garvey Nation. Then, later in the year, on August 17, 2024 (Marcus Garvey's birthday), GarveyNation.com launched completely to the world. Members all over the world were able to log in for the first time. The former website, BuyBlackMovement.com was permanently retired on that day.

The reception to the new website was incredible! Visitors got to shop in the new online store. Members could read the news, register for events, read about the programs, use the new search engine and more. Most significantly, Citizens were treated to an entirely new online community focused on nation building, with features that had never before seen anywhere before. Tons of new Citizens joined Garvey Nation as a result, and the production soared!

The rest of 2024 is going to be a rocket-ride as the word spreads to Black people everywhere about Garvey Nation.

JOIN Garvey Nation today! Then, become a Citizen help create a great future for our race!

Superstar - Garvey Nation Promo
March, 2024
Watch this exciting video about the Black people who are building Garvey Nation. These amazing "Nation Builders" are truly SUPERSTARS!
Marcus Garvey
"The history of a movement, the history of a nation, the history of a race is the guide-post of that movement’s destiny, that nation’s destiny, that race’s destiny."
Marcus Garvey
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