Majesty of the Moors is an absolutely mind-blowing presentation about the Africans that ruled Spain from 700 A.D. 1492 A.D.
These visual presentations are delivered by award-winning educator, historian, speaker and publisher Dr. Chike Akua. These amazing presentations will change your life when you see them.
African Presence in Early Europe
In part 1, Dr. Akua delivers a dynamic and complete presentation about the amazing history of the Black Moors of Spain. This has been called one of the most powerful presentations EVER delivered.
The Magnitude of Their Mastery
In part 2, Dr. Akua delivered an entirely new presentation about the Moors. Weeks prior to delivering this presentation, Dr. Akua travelled to Morocco, Spain and Senegal, where he led a study group to the ancient lands of the Moors. In Majesty of the Moors Part 2 gave even more powerful information about the Moors. His presentation features on-site photos and key information gotten from his recent trip.
COMPLETE SET (parts 1 & 2)
Get both of these powerful DVDs and receive a complete education on the phenomenal Moors of Spain. These DVDs should be in the library of every Black family.
"Tell Negro parents that they must teach their children Negro history, Negro pride and self-respect in their homes to counteract the elementary and high school education they get that holds up the superiority of the white race."