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A group of amazing college students at Tuskegee University did a groundbreaking 30-day project where they bought exclusively from Black-owned businesses in Tuskegee, Alabama and started a community movement. They videotaped the whole thing. Watch this amazing 2-DVD set to see what happened.
The first DVD in the 2-DVD set features the amazing documentary of their historic 'Buy Black Campaign' in Tuskegee, Alabama. It also contains the fantastic presentation and interview of the students that was held at the Black Business Network in Atlanta, Georgia.
The second DVD features powerful behind-the-scenes footage from the project in Tuskegee, Alabama, including the uncut interviews of all the participants.
When you watch these DVDs, you will be blown away by what these college students achieved with no-budget or formal training. They did it all with a great idea, and sheer determination & will to make a difference in the Black community.
Get inspired by these amazing college students! Order this amazing 2-DVD set today.
"If you should hear of a great man or woman who is to lecture or speak in your town on any given subject and the person is an authority on the subject, always make time to go and hear him."