Get this "limited edition" Marcus Garvey T-shirt and booklet combination, celebrating one of the greatest Black men of all time. These T-shirts are colorful, distinctive, beautifully made and also include an informative booklet about the Honorable Marcus Garvey. This is a limited edition product and is available exclusively through the Buy Black Movement. Get yours today, before they are all gone.
The Marcus Garvey "Hero of Heroes" T-Shirt comes in a light gray color and features an image of a postage stamp with the great Marcus Mosiah Garvey and his Black Star line steamship. It features the caption "Black Star Line Steamship Corporation capitalized at $500,000 under the laws of the State of Delaware, United States of America".
Each T-Shirt includes a 17-page, pocket sized booklet with inspiring information about the life and work of the great Marcus Garvey.
On the front of each T-shirt appears the Marcus Garvey's Red, Black & Green flag (RBG) on the right and either the American or Jamaican Flag on the left. These high-quality T-shirts come in a variety of sizes.
Make your selection of shirt size and flag below:
The Marcus Garvey Hero of Heroes T-shirt is an amazing gift. I actually bought one a year ago for myself (a size larger). When I went to my closet to put it on one day, I didn't see it. I knew I had it, but I thought I forgot to hang it up.
Anyways, sometime later... who walks in wearing this masterpiece? Yes you got it. It was my son, proudly wearing it! He thanked me for his birthday gift. I gave him a hug and responded, as mother's do, and said, "I'm glad you like it. I knew you would (wink)". He said, "NO mom, I LOVE it... It's Fyah!"
I might add that I'm buying another one closer to my size this time.
V. W."You should teach Negroes to have pride in their own nationality and teach them not to try to wear garments that typify membership in other nationalities. "