Learn about the age-old science of marketing and how it has been used to hurt the Black community. Learn exactly how propoganda and branding have been used against us throughout history. Also, learn exactly what we, as a people, can do about it. This groundbreaking seminar will change the way you look at the Black community and our future.
This is simply one of the most powerful presentations you have ever seen! Every Black person should see this!
This seminar was delivered by TAG TEAM Marketing co-founder Deborah Wilson de Briano.
DVD 2 hours, 15 minutes
I want to share about How Marketing Hurt The Black Community. The information is so great. It is fantastic to see how much we have in the fiber of our being and what we are able to do as we start working together to lift up our race and communities. As each one teach one we can achieve great things. We have GREAT LEADERS that have made a total commitment to us. So lets do the same.
J. B."Tell Negro parents that they must teach their children Negro history, Negro pride and self-respect in their homes to counteract the elementary and high school education they get that holds up the superiority of the white race."