Greatness of the Black Race

Greatness of the Black Race DVD Cover Greatness of the Black Race - Delxino Speaking

Greatness of the Black Race

Only $39.99

20 points

Get ready to be INSPIRED!

The Black race is as great as they come. You may have heard the expression "We (Black people) are a great race". Well, get ready to find out just how great we are in this groundbreaking, visual, Black history presentation. Learn truths about our people and our past that will astonish you! This presentation will make you prouder than ever, to be Black.

This presentation was delivered by TAG TEAM Marketing President Delxino Wilson de Briano in Atlanta, Georgia. Delxino's exciting, interactive presentation was raved about by those that attended.

High definition video. 3 hours, 10 minutes.

DVD $39.99 20 points
Marcus Garvey
"Tell Negro parents that they must teach their children Negro history, Negro pride and self-respect in their homes to counteract the elementary and high school education they get that holds up the superiority of the white race."
Marcus Garvey
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