Apply To Become A Supplier
Our team has marketed, sold and shipped hundreds of thousands of products for our clients. Read about our process below and apply to become a Supplier today.
How Our Application Process Works
To apply to become a Supplier, you must be an active Citizen of Garvey Nation. Then, when you apply, we will determine if you, your company and products are a good fit for Garvey Nation. We must make sure your products fit within our guidelines, are of sufficient quality, are safe, work well, deliver results as promised and are in-demand with the members of Garvey Nation.
  • Step 1: Apply
    Complete our free, online application. It takes several minutes to complete and will help us learn about you and your Black-owned business. Tell us about yourself, your company, your products and/or services. We will review your application and send you a response within a week.
  • Step 2: Consultation
    If your application is approved, we will schedule a meeting with one of our executives to discuss your business, your products and our program in detail. If we both decide it's a good fit, you'll pay our product trial fee ($149) and ship us samples of your products.
  • Step 3: Product Trial
    Once we receive your products samples, we will schedule your product trial. We will ship them to our testers in various cities who will use them as directed for several weeks. Our testers will assess your product's quality, safety and effectiveness. They will also survey other Black consumers to determine their interest in your products before sending us detailed reports of their results.
  • Step 4: Decision
    Once we receive the reports from our testers, we will analyze the results and make a final decision. If approved, you will sign up as a Supplier, pay your startup fee (minus the product trial fee you already paid) and ship us initial inventory so we can begin marketing, selling and shipping your products. If not, we will send you detailed suggestions on how to improve your products.
Ready To Take Your Black‑Owned Business To Another Level?
Marcus Garvey
"In the past, we have worked separately and individually. Now, we are going to organize!"
Marcus Garvey
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