"We are looking for the BEST Black-owned businesses in the world to be a part of this elite group that supplies Garvey Nation. We want Black businesses that are proud to be Black, make great products, hire Black people, believe in our purpose, and want to uplift our race."
Garvey Nation is creating wealth, jobs and prosperity in the Black community by getting Black consumers buying from Black-owned businesses in Garvey Nation (Suppliers), consistently.
If you are a Black business owner, your business is 100% Black owned & operated, you currently hire or plan to hire other Black people, and you are openly proud of your Black race and culture, then Garvey Nation's Supplier Program may be for you.
We believe that we, as Black people, are capable, willing and able to produce, market, sell and distribute our own high-quality products and services. We believe that we, as Black people, are capable of building prosperous businesses, creating millions of jobs for our people, and earning billions of dollars if we work together as a team. We believe that God intends more for us as a people than to continually ask people of other races to hire us, while we struggle for a basic existence.
The Supplier Program is for Black business owners who share this fundamental belief and sincerely and openly want to participate in creating wealth, jobs and prosperity for Black people.
The Garvey Nation Supplier Program is for Black business owners who produce top-quality products and services. The program is for OWNERS, not staff, representatives, brokers, etc.
Furthermore, you must be the CREATOR of the product, not a distributor or sales agent. In this program, we promote you, the creator of the product, as well as the product itself. This gives our customers a unique cultural connection to you, the Black inventor that is a fellow part of their race, culture and heritage.
By servicing Black business owners who create their own products, we inspire Black people to create for themselves, rather than simply buying and reselling products made by other races. In time, our program will help hundreds of thousands of Black people become business owners and manufacturers, and create millions of jobs for our people.
To become a Supplier, your product(s) must be of the utmost quality. We pride ourselves on marketing the very BEST Black-made products and services there are. This includes both the quality of the product as well as the quality of the packaging *. Both must be exceptional.
* If desired, we can help you improve the packaging of your products. We offer design, printing and labeling services for our Suppliers for an additional charge.
Your products must also be in sufficient demand by our members for us to accept you as a Supplier, otherwise your products might not sell in enough quantity to make it profitable. We will survey our members before you join, to see if they are interested in buying your products.
We only market products that we determine to be safe and appropriate for Black people of all ages. The products must also uplift our race.
For instance, the following are NOT ALLOWED:
TAG TEAM Marketing reserves the right to refuse any product or business for any reason.
To be a Supplier, you must be able to offer your products at a wholesale price of at least 50% of the retail price (or lower). We will pay you the wholesale price for each one we sell. For instance, if your product sells at a retail price of $10 each, you must be able to manufacture it and earn sufficient profit at wholesale price of $5 or lower.
We use the difference between the retail price and the wholesale price to pay various expenses associated with selling your product, most significantly sales commissions to our TAG TEAM Marketers that sell your products and rewards to the Citizens who buy them. The lower your wholesale price is in relation to the retail price, the more is applied to TAG TEAM Marketer sales commissions. When the sales commissions are higher, our Marketers can become very motivated to promote and sell your product, which results in more sales.
All Supplier memberships begin with an initial one-year contract term and continue month-to-month afterwards. This ensures that we will market your products and services for at least one year. This gives us sufficient time to introduce both you and your product to our members, get initial consumers to try your product, get their feedback, and then, assuming the feedback is good,... use their testimonials to drive more sales of your product. In other words, the marketing process takes time.
Though many Suppliers experience extraordinary success quickly, you must expect that it could take at least a year to produce a good return.
As more of our members order and use your products, the demand for them may grow. As the demand grows and the sales increase, the number of products you will need to send to us will grow as well. In time, sales can grow to huge numbers each month.
As a Supplier, your main job is to ship us enough products each month to keep us adequately supplied and make sure we never run out. Nothing hurts sales more than customers wanting to buy a product and it being out of stock.
To become a Supplier, you should be prepared to scale your production of products up as necessary, as sales increase.
Garvey Nation Suppliers are more than product makers, they are active parts of the Nation:
Participate in our weekly Garvey Nation Update conference calls and stay up to date with everything going on. Hearing you on our calls each week makes you real to our members and helps us to promote you and your products to our race.
Also, attend our TAG TEAM Marketing Convention in person each year, where the achievements of Garvey Nation over the last year are celebrated and new plans for next year are announced. As a Supplier, you and your products will be showcased at the convention, allowing for our members to meet and bond with you personally, which can lead to increased sales all year long.
Our Supplier Program is only open to Citizens of Garvey Nation. Citizens are members who purchase products from Black Businesses (Suppliers) in Garvey Nation each month.
Each Suppliers earn money from Garvey Nation and also purchases products from other Suppliers in Garvey Nation. This ensures that money continues to recycle amongst Black people in Garvey Nation, which is key to the long-term prosperity of the Nation, and our race.
As a Supplier, your purchases from other Black businesses in the nation should not be minimal, but instead should become a proud part of your everyday life. We are not interested in working with people who only want to take money from Garvey Nation. We are looking for Black people who genuinely believe in what we are doing and want to contribute to the growth of Garvey Nation by purchasing as many products from other Suppliers in the Nation as they can.
As a Supplier, you should serve as an example to other Citizens of Garvey Nation. The level of your monthly purchases, how long you have been purchasing and the total points you have accumulated, are published for all members to see online in your Citizen Profile. This publicly and transparently shows your level of support of the other Black businesses in Garvey Nation to our members, which can influence their decision to support you in turn. In general, the more you support Garvey Nation, the more the Citizens support you.
Check out how our program works, review our pricing, read over our frequently asked questions, then
"The establishment of the different enterprises which will help to find employment for Negroes, and the profit of which will go to help the organization to carry out its nationalistic program, is in keeping with the principles of the organization."