
Get your products or services, marketed, sold and shipped/delivered to Black consumers.


Get up to 4 products warehoused, marketed, sold and shipped to Black consumers

YEARLY (1 month free)
$1,499.89 1st year $1,099.89 per year afterwards

$499.99 to begin

then $99.99 per month
initial one-year contract

Do you have more than 4 products?
Do you offer a service?
Do you offer digital products like online courses or streaming movies?
Do you have unique marketing needs?

Custom Pricing

Apply today and let's discuss your unique needs. We will put together a custom package just for your Black‑owned business.
The Supplier Program is an amazing value compared to what you would pay for the same services individually. It is the opportunity of a lifetime!
Brother Holding Calculator
Membership none $1,499
Dynamic Website $10,000/year $0
Marketing Agency $60,000/year $0
Shipping Fulfillment $15,000/year $0
Customer Service $20,000/year $0
TOTAL $105,500/year $1,499
OUR PRICE $1,499/1st year
YOUR SAVINGS $103,501/year
(only $1,099/year afterwards)
The Ultimate Value For Black Business Owners
  • Our basic membership offers full suite of marketing and distribution services, yet costs less than hiring one part-time employee.
  • You get much more than a listing on our website. We warehouse, market, promote, sell and ship your products for you.
  • Membership goes beyond basic fulfillment services (warehousing, shipping), but includes our powerful marketing team which contacts Black consumers directly and generates actual sales of your products.
  • Our service costs dramatically lower than hiring your own staff or different agencies to perform the same functions.
  • Choose between paying annually in full at a discount or making monthly installment payments towards your one‑year agreement.
  • After your first year, your membership will renew automatically each month or each year (depending on the method you choose). You can cancel at any time.
  • For less than $5 per day, you can gain an entire team who will warehouse, promote, sell and ship your products for you.
  • Through our vast network of members who are committed to buying Black, your products can reach countless Black consumers that may never have purchased it otherwise.
Ready To Become a Supplier?

Check out our how our program works, review our requirements, check out our frequently asked questions, then

Marcus Garvey
"Always consider cost before you go into anything and in figuring out the cost, be sure that there is a margin of profit before you do the thing, otherwise it is not worth while doing."
Marcus Garvey
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